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Cluster API

Cluster API allows you to retrieve information on your cluster status. 

Retrieve cluster status

Retrieve cluster nodes status:

GET /api/monitor/status

JSON Format

restartingBooleantrue if the cluster is restarting.
primaryBooleantrue if the current node is a primary master node.
_nodes.nodeStringIP address of the node.
_nodes.pingIntegerTime took to send a PING command to this node, in ms.
_nodes.attachedBooleanIf the node is attached to the cluster. If not, you should run a re-initialize command.
_nodes.errorStringIf an error occurs during a PING, the message is given in this field.
_nodes.masterIntegerThe master number of this node. The lowest number gives you the current master node, otherwise secondaries master. If the value is -1, the node is a slave.
_nodes.statusStringThe status of the node.
_nodes.stageStringIf the node is initializing, the stage of the initialization.
_nodes.stage-messageStringA user-friendly text explaining the current status of the node.
_nodes.current-progressStringIf the node is loading the warehouse, the number of tables that have been loaded so far. the node is loading the warehouse, the total number of remaining tables to load.

Example response

  "nodes": [
      "node": "",
      "ping": 1,
      "attached": true,
      "error": "",
      "master": 0
      "node": "",
      "ping": 14,
      "attached": true,
      "error": "",
      "master": 1
      "node": "",
      "ping": 13,
      "attached": true,
      "error": "",
      "master": -1
  "restarting": false,
  "primary": true

Is Current node a primary master

When high availability is enabled, this endpoint tells you if you're querying the primary or a secondary master.

GET /api/monitor/get/master

JSON Format

primaryBooleantrue if this monitor is running on a primary node
secondaryBooleantrue if this monitor is running on a secondary node

Example response

  "primary": true,
  "secondary": false

Retrieve all up and down nodes

Retrieve all nodes running and down:

GET /api/monitor/get/nodes

JSON Format

nodesDownArrayList of all nodes down or unattached
nodesUpArrayList of all nodes up and running

Response example

  "nodesDown": [],
  "nodesUp": [
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