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Once your panel is enabled, you will notice several types of notifications.

The notification panel is the section that will provide suggestions to optimize your cluster.

How to access it?

  • In the Cluster View screen

  • In the dashboard of the Data View screen

Notifications are organized into 3 groups: INFOS, WARNING, and DANGER

Each notification comes with a way to address the issue.

By clicking on a notification, you will be able to see the details and a button to address it.

INFOLIMITED_TABLEDisplay limited tables that should be converted into fact tables to reduce the memory consumption
WARNINGOPTIMIZE_TABLEDisplay when a table has a percentage of queries using the main index only. You should run the optimizer to create new indexes

Display when an index size is approaching index.memory.max_size.mb. Two thresholds, in notifications.json, define the gravity of the notification.

WARNING / DANGERTABLE_SIZEDisplay when table size is approaching table.memory.max_size.mb. Two thresholds, in notifications.json, define the gravity of the notification.
DANGERINTEGRITY_CHECKDisplay tables that are corrupted and can't be restored.
WARNINGNEED_COMPACTIONDisplay tables that need an ALTER TABLE COMPACT because of shadow rows, provoked during multiple DELETE / LOAD operations.
INFODEPRECATED_PARAMETERDisplay parameters in galactica.conf which are deprecated. These parameters will be removed in future versions.
INFOUNUSED_INDEXDisplay indexes which aren't been used for 30 days. They could be removed to reduce memory/disk spaces.
INFOEXTERNAL_TABLE_WITHOUT_INDEXDisplay external tables without any indexes, meaning that all queries will be delegated to the underlying database.
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