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Table Creation Wizard

How to create a physical or external table without SQL?

Indexima introduces a Wizard to create a table from an external database. This feature is available in the SQL view of the Developer Console.

  • In a SQL view of the Developer Console, by clicking on the  


  • It will lead to this modal window :


  • Choose the Database you want to connect to
  • Choose Type of table: Physical or External (when available)
  • Fill in the information and click on Connect.
    • If an error occurs, you will stay on this page with the error from your data source (invalid login/password...),  the exact same message your database would display.
  • A list of available tables would be displayed

Finally, you just have to pick up the desired tables on the next screen :


If you click on Create tables, Indexima will generate the SQL and execute it. You can see it on the Monitor Queries page.

If you prefer to keep the generated SQL by Indexima, you can hit Copy SQL. SQL will be produced in the Free SQL tab, in your Developer Console.

How to add a new source type to the Wizard?

Ask your Indexima administrator to go to supported_dbs.json

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