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Best Practices with QlikView and QilkSense

Direct Query

In order to use Indexima, you must define a Direct Query connection to the Indexima Engine. More Details Go to here

Set Direct Discovery variables

Amongst the variables described in the QlikSense documentation, The Indexima team picked the ones that matter to us. 


You can do asynchronous, parallel calls to the database by using the connection pooling capability. The load script syntax to set up the pooling capability is as follows:

SET DirectConnectionMax=2


When a DIMENSION field value is selected in a QlikView object, a query is generated for the source database. SetDirectDistinctSupport to 'false' to generate GROUP BY instead of DISTINCT in queries for unique values.

SET DirectDistinctSupport='false'



In high cardinality multi-table scenarios, it is possible to generate subqueries in the SQL query instead of generating a large IN clause. This is activated by settingDirectEnableSubqueryto'true'.
Note: When DirectEnableSubquery is enabled, you cannot load tables that are not inDirect Discovery mode.

SET DirectEnableSubquery='true'

Script Statements

Don't use NATIVE, but

Consider creating the field as a computed field in the table. For more details Go to CREATE TABLE.

Consider [DETAIL fieldlist]

DETAIL fields provide information or details, like comment fields, that a user may want to display in a drill-to-details table box. DETAIL fields cannot be used in chart expressions.

Chart & Tables


Avoid displaying a large amount of data

Use the "Show Column If" attribute and for example the condition NoOfRows([TOTAL])<10 000

or Use

Avoid calculated chart dimensions, but

Consider creating the field as a computed field in the table. For more details Go to CREATE TABLE.

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