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Smart Tables Monitoring

Administrators can monitor the Smart Tables process through 2 files:

Overview of the process (SMT_yyyy-mm-dd.csv files)

located in:

  • the diagnostic ZIP file, under the  /smart_table directory 
  • the warehouse history.dir (defined in galactica.conf), under the /smart-tables directory

The system generates:

  • 1 file per day

File Description



Date and time of the action


see list below



Start of the Smart Table process
STOPEnd of the Smart Table process


List the number of candidate tables


Define the name of a candidate table


Start of the analysis for the selected table


End of the analysis for the selected table.
At the end of the analysis process, deletion and/or creation of new index(es) would be performed (when necessary)


When The time allowed for the smart table process has ended, and some tables haven't been optimized

Table Name valued only for the following Actions:


When Action is 

Content of Comments


Number of candidates


Candidate score

UNFINISHEDNumber of tables not optimized on this turn

Results of the analysis process (smart_indexes.csv files)

located in:

  • the diagnostic ZIP file, under the  /smart_table_log directory 
  • the warehouse, under the My_schema.db/My_table/analysis/ directory

The system generates:

  • 1 file per table (No split per day)

When the table is dropped, so is the related smart_indexes file.

DATEDate of the end of the table analysisTimestamp
TYPEProcess who did the analysisConstant: SMART
STATUSIndex status: existing one, new one, or not used anymoreEXISTING, NEW, OUTDATED
NAMEName of the index (for existing indexes)
MAINIs the index a MAIN index or not?false/true
HITSNumber of hits long
SIZESize of the index (for existing indexes)long
COUNTNumber of rows in the index (for existing indexes)long
BEWAREParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
SPECParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
PREJOINParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
TUNINGParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
ACTIONParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
MIN_HITParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
COEF_MERGEParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
NB_DAYSParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details

Fields of the new index

Ex: Year(Date),sum(Turnover)


Join clause (if there is any) of the new index

Ex: JOIN mytble2 on XX.field1=mytble2.field2

MERGE_STRATEGYParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
MAX_EXPECTED_INDEXESParameter of the analysis, see Indexima Analyser page for more details
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