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Automatic Analyzer

What is the Automatic Analyzer

To know what Indexes to create, Indexima comes with a tool called the Analyzer. It will help you make the best decision in terms of indexing, cost efficiency, and overall optimization.

Based on the queries hit on tables, Analyzer suggests Hyperindexes creation. As a user, you will decide and press buttons on the Analyzer page.

You can go further and allow the Analyzer to create hyper-indexes without user or administrator watch with the Automatic Analyzer.

Access the Automatic Analyzer Page

Reach the Automatic Analyzer in the administration menu.

General Overview

Set Parameters

Define the table and fill the Analyzer parameters

Go to Analyzer for details.

Define how often you want the Analyser to run for the specified table

Use the available lists
  • Define interval/periodicity of execution:
Every DayStart time in the day
Days intervalNumber of days between 2 analysisStart time in the day
One a month1st day, 15th day or last day of the monthStart time in the day
  • Select Time:

Or schedule using CRON syntax

You can use standard regex CRON syntax for a better periodicity adjustment of the Indexima Analyser. This is handy to i.e. exclude bank holidays, Sunday, or any other day off.

Click on the button Advanced to switch to the CRON entries

A CRON expression specifies or defines at what time and intervals the task is scheduled. The CRON syntax uses 6 or 7 fields. 

To define your specific CRON expression, you can use

Define Actions

Log onlyNo alteration of the table, only logging actions that could have been done
Create onlyOnly index creations will be performed. Results of the analysis would be logged too
Create and deletecreations & deletions of hyperindexes will be performed. Results of the analysis would be logged too

Getting the log results

The result is a file with the name of the dataspace appended with .csv extension in the directory log/analysis. The log directory can be defined by the conf/galactica.conf parameter log.dir.

Example: log/analysis/nyc_yellow_2018.csv

The csv file can be managed in an Excel spreadsheet when you need to interpret results.

TimeStampTimestamp of the execution of the analyze
New / DelNEW = Create the hyperindex, OUTDATED = Drop the hyperIndex
DataSpaceName of the concerned dataspace
MainIs this hyperindex the main index
HitsNumber of hits
RAM / NodeAmount of RAM per node recovered if this index is deleted.
RowsNumber of entries/node similar to the number of rows concerned per node.
ColumnsColumns composing the hyperindex
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