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API References

The REST API allows to interact with Indexima cluster. The API is exposed through the Indexima console, which depending of the endpoint, handle the request or forward the request to a node of the cluster.
The available endpoints covers the following features:

Document conventions

Endpoints are described with an HTTP method and a path. For example:

GET /api/monitor/get/version

Prepend your Developer Console URL to the path to get the full endpoint URL. For instance, if your URL is https://myindeximacluster:8082, then use the following endpoint URL:


Colon (:) in the path indicates a placeholder value that you must replace. For example:

GET /api/monitor/get/columns/:table

Bodies of requests and responses for each endpoint are described in a JSON format.


Most example in this documentation use curl and jq to call api and parse json replies.

Some endpoints (eg node status) are also available by calling directly a node on the monitor port (9999 by default). This is an internal API and it's not a recommended scenario to call it without going through the console, which handle global authentification mechanism.

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