Rights matrix
Here are all the actions a user can perform on Indexima and the privileges which they require.
Action | Admin | Owner | Insert | Delete | Select | None |
create schema | X | |||||
create user | X | |||||
drop user | X | |||||
export | X | |||||
import | X | |||||
grant role | X | |||||
revoke role | X | |||||
set_ | X | |||||
drop schema | X (schema) | |||||
create table | X (schema) | |||||
create view | X (schema) | |||||
drop view | X (schema) | |||||
grant on schema | X (schema) | |||||
revoke schema | X (schema) | |||||
add Index | X (table) | |||||
add columns | X (table) | |||||
add filter | X (table) | |||||
drop table | X (table) | |||||
drop Index | X (table) | |||||
drop columns | X (table) | |||||
grant on table | X (table) | |||||
revoke table | X (table) | |||||
commit | X | |||||
insert into | X | |||||
load data | X | |||||
rollback | X | |||||
delete from | X | |||||
truncate table | X | |||||
synchronize | X | X | ||||
show memory | X | |||||
show tablecount | X | |||||
show tables | X | |||||
describe table | X (filter) | |||||
select | X (filter) | |||||
show grant | X |