PowerBI & Indexima connector
Nominal case
As for now the Indexima connector is certified and included in PowerBI versions.
Certified Connectors are downloaded when Power BI Desktop starts up, not at PowerBI installation or upgrade. This allows PowerBI to ship connector updates without requiring a new product build.
In most contexts, users have internet access and connectors are updated in the C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\CertifiedExtensions
directory without the user knowing it.
When Indexima connector is not visible
When Internet connections are restricted, connectors may not be downloaded on the user desktop, resulting in the fact Indexima connector is not available.
In detail, Power BI Desktop will use the following URL: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2060571 which resolves to https://content.prod.powerquery.microsoft.com/api/certifiedExtensions/manifest.json
Workaround 1
The organization allows users to connect to the following address: https://content.prod.powerquery.microsoft.com/api/certifiedExtensions/ so that Powerbi can download the latest of the connectors.
Workaround 2
Download the latest Indexima.pqx file listed in the manifest and place it in their custom connectors directory (cf above).
Since this file is signed, users would not need to change their PBI Desktop security setting to load the connector.
Workaround 3
Download the latest Indexima.pqx file from the indexima connectors directory here and place it in their custom connectors directory (cf above).