Step by step deployment
Start Indexima on AWS Marketplace
Go to and enter indexima in the search bar and select "INDEXIMA Analytics Engine (Multi Node Edition)"
Click on "Continue to Subscribe"
Click on "Continue to Configuration"
Then select the Region where your data are stored and click on "Continue to Launch"
Then select chose action : "Launch CloudFormation" and click on Launch button
On CloudFormation interface you just have to click on Next button
On Specify stack details page, please :
- Enter your stack name
- Select a key pair
- Create a password
- Enter a CIDR block that's permitted to SSH to the Indexima Cluster. Example: if you need access from everywhere but it is recommended to specify a more specific IP.
- Enter a S3 bucket name where data created by Indexima engine will be stored
- Enter a S3 folder in which Indexima will create its warehouse. Example: path/to/warehouse
- Select a VPC and a VPC subnet
and click on next button.
On Configure stack options, scroll down and click on Next button.
On Review page, scroll down, tick the box "I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources" and click on Create stack button.
Once the stack is created, all you need is to go back to aws marketplace portal and select "Your Marketplace Software".
Click on "View instances" button,
and click on Access Software.