Power BI Desktop
Create a DSN linked to an Indexima Cluster
ODBC-Create a DSN linked to Indexima Engine
Connecting to an Indexima cluster using 'MS PowerBI'
a. Choose an Indexima source
- Select the icon "Get Data". A list of data-sources will appear.
- Start to type out "Indexima" in the search box and the INDEXIMA connector appears. Select it and click on the "Connect" button.
b. Skip Warning
Power BI may display a dialog box. Tick "Don't warn me again" and press continue.
c. Fill in the connection information
- DSN Connected: Copy/paste the DSN name you've created in the previous step
- Indexima JDBC Port Number: Enter any value (This field is not used for DSN connection)
- ODBC Driver: Leave it blank
- Data connectivity Mode: Make sure you select DirectQuery
Press the OK button.
d. Enter Credentials
Enter the INDEXIMA credentials and click on the Connect
e. Select Tables or views
MS Power BI opens a window to browse and select tables. Once a table is selected, the content of the table is displayed on the right panel as shown below:
Click on the Load button.
f. Design report
Now you are able to design your own report.