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Power BI Gateway


MS PowerBI Gateway creates the connection between MS PowerBI cloud-based data analysis ecosystem and the INDEXIMA CLUSTER located on-premises. MS Gateway is an application that can be installed on any server in the local domain. The MS PowerBI Gateway is responsible for creating the connection and passing data through.


MS Gateway (and MS PowerBI Desktop) requires:

Add an indexima Datasource in MS Gateway

Go to the 'Manage Gateways' page (You can access this page from your MS Power BI application or directly by using the URL

Then add a data source and select the indexima with data source type field:

This indexima connector supports DSN connections to data sources.

DataSource TypeChoose Indexima v1.7.5
Address or DSNmyDSN
PortFill in the same value used for the Desktop DSN
CredentialUsername and password

More Details

Consult the Microsoft documentation for more details on MS PowerBI.

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