The "" file is loaded when starting Indexima with the script. It contains all the environment variables necessary for configuring and customizing the Indexima environment and the JVM.
Used environment variables
There are no default values for environment variables. The default value documented here is the one present in the .template file.
Parameter | Choices/Default | Description | Example |
JAVA_HOME | /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 | Path to your java / JRE binaries and libraries. It is required unless the java binary is in your PATH env. | JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 |
GALACTICA_MEM required | 8000m | Memory (in Mb) allocated to the JVM. This value will be used in the -Xms and -Xmx Java options. | GALACTICA_MEM=4000m |
HADOOP_BASE required | /opt/hadoop-2.8.3 | Path to the base directory of the hadoop libs you installed during the prerequisites. | HADOOP_BASE=/opt/hadoop-2.8.3 |
HADOOP_JARS | $HADOOP_BASE/hadoop-client/*:$HADOOP_BASE/... | Path to all the jar libs to be added to the Java classpath. Unless you have a very good reason, it is recommended not to change this value. | |
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_KEY | AWS API credentials if you need Indexima to access S3. | export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIAU2THWY12345ABCDE export AWS_SECRET_KEY=mySecretKey | |
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS | Path the json credential file generated by GCP IAM service. | export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/tmp/credentials.json | |
SOLR_JAAS_CLIENT_CONFIG_OPTION | | If you want to use SolR audits thru Kerberos, you need to add the path to the jaas-client.conf file to the Java option | |
NODESERVER_JVM_OPTIONS | NODESERVER_JVM_OPTIONS=${SOLR_JAAS_CLIENT_CONFIG_OPTION} | Additional options to pass to the JVM. By default, it will add the option mentioned above. You can add other options if you need to. | |
KINIT_PRINCIPAL KINIT_KEYTAB | Kerberos principal and keytab you need to use if you want Indexima to be able to connect to other services thru Kerberos. This option is used to automatically execute a kinit command when starting Indexima. | ||
| If the Kerberos principal and keytab are filled in the hive-site.xml config file, set to true to use these values for the kinit. |