2022.2 (Released on May 25, 2022)
Indexima’s newest version – v2022.2 – is now available. This new version brings the following main new features:
Easy to use
Improve Load command with new parameters to handle Date (DATE_FORMAT), Timestamp (TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) and decimal formats (LOCALE).
Add new filters capabilities to the query listing, to improve query monitoring.
Easy to adopt
Internationalization: Better handle timezone in query logs in order to simplify query analysis in Indexima console whatever your localisation.
Easy To Implement
Optimize queries execution plan: Flatten fact/fact tables join in subqueries to accelerate query response time.
Improve management of temporary files to reduce risk of storage exhaustion.
Useful links
- Download version 2022.2 (Full version number is 2022.2.1737.x for service pack x)
- Migrate from 2022.1 to 2022.2
- Procedure for upgrading Indexima Core Engine (Galactica)
- Procedure for upgrading Indexima Console (VisualDoop2)
Detailed Release Note
- INDXMA-7426 (ZenD #1853 #1900): Improve startup warehouse check for CEPH
- INDXMA-7369: Prevent manual main index on dimension table
- INDXMA-7486 (ZenD #1977): Upgrade Snappy library
- INDXMA-7421 (ZenD #1808): Improve subqueries optimisation by removing unused fields
- INDXMA-7303: Refactoring ClientChannel usage
- INDXMA-2018 (ZenD #1702): Add DATE_FORMAT and TIMESTAMP_FORMAT options for load commands
- INDXMA-7398: Add TSV as export format
- INDXMA-7301: Improve thread management for storing plans
- INDXMA-7040: Clean deprecated projects endpoint in backend
- INDXMA-7386: Handle NULL for custom function (ascii, ceil, floor, length, like, round, next_day)
- INDXMA-7358: Handle NULL limitations on dates
- INDXMA-7330: Allow NULL from empty string during load
- INDXMA-7328: Add support for DEGREES / RADIANS / PI function
- INDXMA-3112: Update query logs architecture
- INDXMA-7467: Support AWS marketplace deploy on m5a
- INDXMA-7345: Create folder /galactica/ext for libraries extensions
- INDXMA-7377: Remove nodes parameter
- INDXMA-7485 (ZenD #1970): Add NODESERVER_JVM_OPTIONS in stop.sh
- INDXMA-7476 (ZenD #1940): Remove parameter query.orderby.max_rows
- INDXMA-7425 (ZenD #1862): Remove deprecated status.sh
- INDXMA-7382: Extend timeout of new network stack
- INDXMA-7389: Remove warehouse.protocol and queries from galactica.conf.template
External tables
- INDXMA-7419: Error when delegating a Group by constant to snowflake
- INDXMA-7410: Error delegating unix_timestamp to Snowflake
- INDXMA-7470: Fix Impala external table edge cases
- INDXMA-7484 (ZenD #1959): Error on hive synchronize with index containing formula within a field (1)
- INDXMA-7498 (ZenD #1959): Error on hive synchronize with index containing formula within a field (2)
- INDXMA-7434 (ZenD #1869): Fix synchronize on hive external tables
Smart analyzer
- INDXMA-7359: Fix error Index cannot be created because it already exists
- INDXMA-7361: Analyzer missing queries with load balancing
- INDXMA-7495: Fix analyzer redirect to queries frame component
- INDXMA-7302: Fix analyzer error "Index won't be created because it already exists"
- INDXMA-7166: WebSocket connection failed
- INDXMA-7463: Fix AWS marketplace error message on licence
- INDXMA-7427: Fix display issue when launching multiple analysis
- INDXMA-7388: Fix incorrect events display in query listing
- INDXMA-7374: Improve Drag bar in catalog
- INDXMA-7317: Improve search bar refresh on query listing
- INDXMA-7331: Handle every index when filtering on indexUsed
- INDXMA-7320: Node status heartbeat now reflects real status
- INDXMA-6273: New architecture for query listing endpoints
- INDXMA-7312: Clean deprecated projects endpoint
- INDXMA-7494: Log dates when cluster is reinitializing
- INDXMA-7488: Fix router on logs page
- INDXMA-7482: Add 'Loading more' message
- INDXMA-7475: Fix a frontend memory leak on query listing
- INDXMA-7473: Add query id in query listing
- INDXMA-7472: Hide License Page on market place
- INDXMA-7445: Add timestamp filter to query listing
- INDXMA-7373: Fix cancelled request when filtering queries
- INDXMA-7371: Add filter for cached queries
- INDXMA-6976: Remove the commit progress bar
- INDXMA-7436: Display rows count for operations UNION and SHOW
- INDXMA-7394: New query listing endpoints
- INDXMA-7447: Fix critical race condition with Spill to Disk
- INDXMA-7446: Fix index_need_compaction computation
- INDXMA-7435: Fix Dateformat of MAX of date
- INDXMA-7430: Fix Ambiguous column name parsing error
- INDXMA-7428 (ZenD #1871): Drop alias is not persisted
- INDXMA-7423: Handle NULL in Having clause
- INDXMA-7414 (ZenD #1831): Fix implicit Join on sub select with DISTINCT or GROUP BY
- INDXMA-7409 (ZenD #1793): Fix incorrect implicit cast for timestamp fields as string
- INDXMA-7408 (ZenD #1693 #1815): Issue with mixed Timestamp Format in Dictionnary
- INDXMA-7406 (ZenD #1806): Fix error during truncate of DIM Table
- INDXMA-7397: Invalid dates in calendar when downloading diag on a Yarn cluster
- INDXMA-7396 (ZenD #1793): Fix incorrect implicit cast for date fields as string
- INDXMA-7393: Exception during pre-join computing if adding index on dim table
- INDXMA-7383 (ZenD #1899): Optimize growing eventsToPublish list
- INDXMA-7380 (ZenD #1785): Cache update issue between nodes
- INDXMA-7366: Schema appears again after a DROP SCHEMA
- INDXMA-7360: Error de-serializing history file
- INDXMA-7341: Boolean operator can return Null
- INDXMA-7338: Bool empty reference preventing index usage
- INDXMA-7333: SHOW TABLECOUNT stuck when big-index is enabled
- INDXMA-7332 (ZenD #1734): Fix empty result with join exchange
- INDXMA-7326: Fix load limit error handling
- INDXMA-7315 (ZenD #1704): Fix edge case of NullPointer error on large query left join
- INDXMA-7313 (ZenD #1617): Error downloading diagnostic if analysis directory is missing
- INDXMA-7006: ConcurrentModificationException during sub-request cleaning
- INDXMA-7465 (ZenD #1919): Encrypt S3/CEPH credentials
- INDXMA-7413 (ZenD #1828 #1830): Monitor rights are not updated when logging off and switching users or cluster
- INDXMA-7412 (ZenD #1828 #1830): Prevent a non-admin user to edit connections